Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pregnancy Food Journal - Saturday's Eats!

I loved every bite of food I've had today. Well, that's usually the case since food that is fresh, organic, raw, and even some of it as cooked vegan... all plant-strong foods... are always yummy to me! Partly for the actual taste, but also partly because I'm so happy eating this way. (Read how raw vegan foods changed my life and why I love them so much here.)

So... without further ado... my Saturday eats for this "still" pregnant gal. :) My baby is just chillin' out in my womb. It must be very comfy in there because I am getting zero indication that the time is coming. I thought baby might have been waiting for Father's Day, but that is more unlikely with each passing hour (although there is still a chance). Or, perhaps Monkey is waiting for the full moon?

Or, perhaps Monkey wants me to be able to see Eclipse and is holding out until July 1 so that I can do that on June 30? I get chills just seeing that trailer... I can't wait for the movie - it might just be the best one so far! Team Edward over here at Kristen's Raw Blog, but I DO LOVE the werewolves!!!

3 cups organic green juice (cucumber and celery)

1/2 organic mini watermelon (waited for this to digest before having blueberries since watermelon should always be eaten alone for optimal digestion)
1 cup organic blueberries

2 cups organic fruity hemp protein smoothie
Thick slice of Manna Organics sprouted bread slathered with organic hummus

Dinner & Dessert
Vegan Chicken Ratatouille (see cooked recipe at bottom of this post)
Organic vegan dark chocolate bar

1/2 organic mini watermelon (same as before... waited for this to digest). Watermelon.... my favorite, is also known as the iron fruit! Read why here!
2 cups organic cherries

The day isn't over yet... if I'm hungry still later tonight, I'll probably have a Sun Warrior protein shake of just the powder mixed with water.


  1. Glad you are doing so well, your baby is so lucky to be getting all that organic plant food! It's exciting waiting for the baby to come! Happy thoughts coming your way.
    Eco Mama

  2. I love the Twilight Series also. Two of my daughters and myself are going to the midnight showing on June 30th. Can't wait. I, too, am glad to here that you and the baby are doing well. I am so excited for you.

  3. Good job being patient.The baby really will come, even though it seems as if it won't.;)

    The average first time mom goes 'over' the due date @10 days.

    I have a few friends who go 'over' 2-3 weeks each time-just the way their body caries babies.

    Hope it's soon!:)

  4. Wow, here is something funny: my son was born right after the last one came out! I went to see it on the opening day but I hardly understood what was going on because of how uncomfortable I was and how much he was kicking! Well if you are able to go soon then I hope your experience is more enjoyable!
    Those cherries look amazing! Mmm!

  5. How blessed ans smart is this monkey!!!


  6. Blew my theory of vacuuming and nesting right out of the water, huh?

    Well, let's hope Monkey's personality befits your pregnancy. Maybe this is just one chill laid-back kinda baby. An alkaline baby!

    And so, we wait...


    {Team Edward, In The Raw} ツ

  7. What a delicious high-raw day! That's just my kind of day :)

    My babies--all 5 so far--came late late late! I always look at those days of being 'overdue' as bonus days to nest :)

    Hope you're nestin' and restin' !!
    xo Sheri

  8. Glad to hear you and the monkey are doing well ; )

    And we team Edward over here!!

    Pure2raw twins

  9. The baby doesn't want to come out because you are feeding it the most yummy food ever!!

    Team Edward here too! :)

  10. I have been reading your blog and taking much recipe inspiration from your beautiful creations for a while. I'm one of those silent readers, have never commented! But I couldn't help myself today, I had to speak up and let you know you have a fellow watermelon addict! :) It is so divinely yum. We grew our own for the first time this year and they were great. When I was pregnant, I used to buy a half watermelon and sit it in the back of the store I worked in with a spoon and just go out and delve in every so often - needless to say DD now LOVES watermelon.... It's a battle to get any now :( Love and blessings for your approaching birth. You will have a joyous, calm and peaceful birth I am sure. Birthing is an amazing and joyous experience. Have you read Ina May Gaskin? I love her advice of making sure you are smiling as baby crowns - it's wonderful advice :) xxx Enjoy your beautiful birth and meeting your precious bubba xxx

  11. Hi indigomumma,
    I'm so glad you chimed in today. Thank you for your words of encouragement. A fellow watermelon sista! Whoo hoo!

    I read Ina May's stuff quite a while ago, well before we conceived. She's an amazing woman. :)

