Friday, June 18, 2010

Gold To Green Smoothie (Raw Vegan Recipe)

I'm glad you are all excited about the Avocado Cucumber Smish-Smash recipe I posted.

Today's recipe is a wonderful nutritious smoothie that starts out filled with gorgeous golden colors in the blender, but quickly turns to a vibrant green after blending. It's unique and addicting. My kind of smoothie!

The nutrition is top of the line, too! Spinach (vitamins K, C, A, B2, and E, as well as iron,  manganese, zinc, folate, calcium, protein, fiber, and more). Banana (vitamins B6, C, potassium, manganese, and fiber). Golden Kiwi (loads of vitamin C, as well as vitamin E, fiber, potassium, copper, and more). Hemp foods (complete protein, essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, and more). Turmeric (manganese, iron, vitamin B6, and loads of antioxidants). How can you NOT get excited about all of that delicious nutrition that will make your heart, mind, and soul sing?

Gold To Green Smoothie
Recipe by Kristen Suzanne of
Yield approximately 1 quart

1 cup water (more if desired)
1 cup ice
1 banana
2 golden kiwi
2 big handfuls spinach
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
2 heaping tablespoons hemp protein powder
1/4 teaspoon turmeric (or more!)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (or more! yum yum!)

Blend it up and enjoy!

I'm frequently asked which blender I like better: Vita-Mix or Blendtec. I love both my Vita-Mix and Blendtec blenders! Although, I tend to use my Blendtec more... it's easier to clean. For a more detailed review, check out my blog post here.

Green Mommy Blog posts of interest:
Baking Soda: 51 Uses!
Review: Primal Strips Vegan Meat Alternatives
Formula Fed America
My Pre-Labor Activities and Experiences


  1. That is one mean green nutritious smoothie....looks SO good! Have a wonderful day!

  2. The color of this smoothie has inspired me to try a citrus green smoothie-- spinach, orange, and lime, perhaps? It's hot today, so that sounds really good!

  3. This looks delicious! Yum! I love fruit!

    I know you are like me and like to have a "plan", do you have anything planed for eating after you have the baby? All raw..or anything like that? You probably have like 0 pounds to lose, plus with the breastfeeding it comes right off (so I hear) but I was just curious.

  4. Hi Lauren :)
    I have my refrigerator stocked with lots of organic fruit and as the days go by, I keep going back to Whole Foods and stocking up. I swear... with the two cases of raw coconut water I bought, the case of Daiya cheese, the other frozen foods, continuous supply of organic produce, and some BABY CLOTHES (lol!), I've spent like a thousand dollars there this month. OK, maybe not that much, but damn close. ;)

    I don't really do "all raw" anymore. Although, I do have all raw days, it's rare that I go a whole week all-raw. I am quite high raw though, especially during the summer. I have two refrigerators (each with the normal freezer on top), plus a big freezer. Everything is packed full (cupboards, too) of food.


  5. That is great Kristen! I love how prepared you are, a women from my own heart! HA HA! :) Your little one is so lucky to have such a great mamma who eats so healthy! This is going to sound bizarre but your breast milk is going to be like!!! Good luck, can't wait! XOXO

  6. Actually, I'm hoping it's green - LMAO! ;) (I actually read somewhere that extra sea veggies can tint breast milk green - how friggin' rad is that? That alone will make me increase my consumption!)

  7. That would be awesome!! Ooh I like this idea.. extra sea veg it is! HAHA! Someone that doesn't "get it" would read this and think we were crazy, I love it!

  8. I've never heard of a gold kiwis. i suppose you learn something new each day.

    You will have to tell us if the breast milk turns green. Lol. :-)

  9. YAY! i have all the ingredients here at home to make your smoothie. I am totally addicted to kiwi's right now. I will have to see if I can find golden ones tho. Thanks for the recipe - have a great weekend :)

  10. Looks like another killer smoothie!! Thanks for sharing Kristen ; ) I will have to keep an eye out for golden kiwi!

    Pure2raw twins

  11. My soul is singing right along with the killer smoothie jazz hits. ;-)

    Looks amazing!

  12. That does look beautiful.

    I've finally decided I need to get a vitamix/blendtec - had worked with both when raw-cheffing and preferred certain things about both.

    Was leaning toward vitamix lately, having started out leaning the other way. Your reviews were super helpful!

  13. Hi Ela,
    Wonderful! Thanks for the comment. And, congrats on the upcoming purchase!

  14. I've never heard of gold kiwi's either and how funny re the green breatmilk. You will have to report back to us! Oh and I think the colours are very Aussie too (Green and Gold are our sports team colours although our uniforms in the World Cup are Blue????)

    Love ya SS xoxox

  15. I'm definitely going to try this one! It looks great!
