Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Update - 38 Weeks, Homebirth prep, (Raw & Organic!) Young Thai Coconut Water in a bottle!

Hi friends!

Just a quick update since it's been more than a few days since my last blog post.

Acute Bronchitis is about 98% gone. Yay!!!

Miso is with my mom on a full time basis now, so I'm getting rest and sleep. Yay!! Although... I'm having hip and leg pain when I sleep too long, so that wakes me up. I have a body pillow and I suspect it helps a bit, but it's not helping all the way. I would love a massage or chiropractor treatment, but honestly, at this late stage (38 weeks, 1 day), I'm not sure I have the time or should bother. I will take some salt baths and see if that helps.

In spite of my leg/hip pain and some light nausea I've had on and off for a few weeks... I'm feeling quite strong today! YAY! I have a feeling that this strong feeling is here to stay.

I'm just about ready (I think!) for the homebirth. Ready as I can be I guess. It boils down to the fact that I have organic diapers, my birth plan printed out, birth play list on my iPod, food for baby (I'll be breastfeeding), car seat installed, organic infant clothes and blankets, food in the freezer for my husband and myself (for after the birth), organic young Thai coconut water for the homebirth to keep me hydrated (found this amazing stuff at Whole Foods Market yesterday in the freezer section - Raw, Organic, unpasteurized, unheated, no preservatives, no additives - just pure organic coconut water that was frozen upon harvesting - it's AMAZING! No more cracking open coconuts if you don't want! It's by Body Ecology), homebirth supplies (towels, receiving blankets, etc).... so I have the essentials and that is what is important. Anything else that comes up probably isn't crucial.

So... I have had to neglect my blogs a tiny bit to get all of this ready and to jam out some work on my latest project, Raw Vegan Transitions, my next book. I cannot wait to make it available. I'm super duper proud of this book.

It's so exciting that I can go into labor any day now!!!!!!!


  1. SO glad your bronchitis is nearly gone! Yep, it sounds like you're ready ... how exciting!! :)

  2. Glad you are on the mend and I hope the other aches and pains are not too severe.

    Thanks for the coconut water tip, I will look for it.

    Excited for you!

  3. Yay!! I can't wait! I'm so excited for you!!!!! XOXOXOXO Sending you lots of good healthy birth vibes!

    P.S Does the coconut water taste like when you crack one? I find the boxed ones don't taste the same and since this one is raw, I'm curious..

  4. Good luck! You are almost there. I'm not a mommy, but your Green Mommy blog inspired me to go green. I CR, so this and I think CRON goes perfect w going Green!!!

  5. (first-time commenter, lurker x 5 mo.)

    I was actually thinking about you earlier this evening, as I was making a big batch of your chocolate cherry bomb smoothie for my family. (We leave out the cherries and my 15 y.o. son has dubbed it "tasty mud," his favorite smoothie of them all.)

    I knew you're nearing the end of your pregnancy and was thinking back on my daughter's homebirth 12 years ago. Thanks for your contributions to my family's raw journey of 5 months so far. Sending you all the best wishes for a peaceful and beautiful birth experience.

  6. Hi Livnletlrn,
    Thank you for commenting :) It's great to hear from you.

    Hi Lauren,
    It's delicious. I was never a fan of the box variety on the shelves... partly because I knew it wasn't organic (at least I don't recall that) and it was pasteurized or something to give it shelf life.

  7. If you don't get a chance to blog before the arrival of your little one, I wanted to wish you all the best! Hope it's a complication free birth and that it's enjoyable. Exciting! xxx

    PS your next book sounds awesome.

  8. So I was recently forced to realize that vita coco is not organic. Oh! Well, that is good knowledge to have. Maybe they will attempt to bring an organic line out eventually...
    Anyway, best of luck to you in this last part of your pregnancy. Most of the time I just wanted to lie around in the last few weeks, but that just felt like "waiting" forever and I didn't like that much. So I will just refrain from giving advice on how to spend these last few weeks, because I bet you really don't need any of it. Best wishes!

  9. Kristin, best wishes on the birth of the precious little baby. You will be such a super mother, and I'm sure your husband will be a great father. May God bless you at every step of your journey. Pam

  10. Congrats on your new book and feeling better...woo hoo! Enjoy your day!

  11. I am going to take coconut water with me too. The birthing inn that I will be at will only allow ice chips and clear liquid. I am so glad you found the coconut water at Whole Foods, I'm going to have to check it out and get some soon.

    BTW, your post on the questions for the pediatricians was great. We just had our tour of two different pediatrician's offices with totally opposite views on vaccines. It was quite a learning experience for us.

  12. glad the bronchitis is on the mend:)
    You sound so ready for this new bundle of joy! So happy for you!

  13. Delurking to wish you the best for your homebirth. I had my twins at home 15 months ago and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I couldn't imagine doing it any other way. :-)

  14. kristen:
    So glad ur feeling all better and so ready for your baby.Good luck with that!!!!
    Take care,xx

  15. Can't wait to hear all about the little monkey on his/her way! What a beautiful time to be a woman--get ready for the most empowering experience of your life!

    (Tip: if you haven't already, fill up a bunch of condoms about half-way with water and stick them in the freezer--this is the greatest after-birth comfort! Wrap one in a thin towel and place it in your underwear as your body recovers from labor.)

  16. very cool find w/ the coconut water!

    and yes, any day, any day! Blessings, Kristen, and family. You're so close to such a wonderful gift: holding your baby!


  17. Congrats on your pregnancy and up-coming birth!! How exciting!
    I'm 5 weeks prego w/baby #3. I planned a home birth last time (in fall 2008) but developed severe preeclampsia and was forced to get an induction @ a regular hospital. Worst baby experience ever. I'm going ALL raw this time around. I'm so new to it all, so I was THRILLED to find your blog today! It's going to make this journey that much better for me and the baby. Thank you!!! (:

  18. Hi! I've been secretly stalking your blog and it has served as a huge resource for me going high raw/ vegan and gluten free to cure my chronic lifelong eczema. Thank you for all of the info and knowledge you share here. I would seriously be lost without your experience.

    Quick question, i have tried coconut in all of its forms and have had an allergic reaction to it. What would u recommend to replace coconut oil and/ or coconut water in your recipes??? Thanks in advance!!!


  19. @liliMarie,
    It depends on the recipe. For example, coconut oil in desserts (like cheesecakes) could be a toughy, but with ice cream... use soaked nuts instead. For coconut oil in entrees, snacks, dressings, etc... should be fine if swapped out with olive oil or hemp oil.


  20. Hi Kristen,
    I find your blog very encouraging as I am transitioning to becoming more raw. I am also 26 weeks pregnant and love hearing about your plan for a homebirth. We are planning a homebirth and I am so excited to incorporate a lotus birth with it (leaving the cord intact until it separates naturally). Being that this is our first I am curious to see how everything goes. I am keeping posted on your blog to hear how everything goes for you and your family. Blessings on this adventure and sacred time in our lives.

  21. Kristen,
    Glad to hear the bronchitis is nearly gone. And thanks for spreading the word about the coconut water... I think it's a great product, but lots of folks can't find it tucked in the frozen section. I will be talking it (and you) up on our FB page! Best of luck on the rest of your homebirth journey.

  22. Oh nesting, what fun! Best wishes for a wonderful birth. Have you dreamt about breastfeeding? I did and it went just as smoothly as in my dreams. Anyway, looking forward to that book coming out as I'm certainly transitioning.
