Thursday, May 27, 2010

Acute Bronchitis Update (raw vegan shake recipe!)

Yay! I had a night of no coughing which would normally mean uninterrupted sleep if I weren't getting up every couple of hours to pee. But, I'll take multiple trips to the bathroom through the night over coughing any time. The coughing isn't gone completely (during the day), but it's getting better every 4-6 hours (herbal cough drops, organic herbal tea, and my ND's herbs are all helping). I can breathe a bit better. I'm more rested. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. :) By the way... thank you everyone for your well wishes, energy, and prayers. Your support always means so much to me.

Today, I made a bronchitis busting shake to kick my health up a notch! Now, it's not really a bronchitis busting solution; I'm not claiming it does anything drug-like or magical (you hear me FDA?!) lol - but, it does have ingredients that are known for respiratory / bronchial health. ;)

One of the commenters of my last post suggested I get the following into my diet (Sharanya - thank you!) - black pepper, turmeric, and cinnamon since these can support bronchial health. So... I did just that with the following nutrient rich shake (it's MEGA YUM!).

Bronchial Health Shake
Recipe by Kristen Suzanne of
Yield 4 cups

1 1/2 cups water
2 frozen bananas
1 cup frozen cherries
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
1 heaping tablespoon flax meal
1 scoop Sun Warrior (Natural flavor) rice protein powder
2 teaspoons goji berries
1/4 teaspoon black pepper (or more)
1/4 teaspoon turmeric (or more)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (or more)

Blend everything until smooth and drink to your bronchial health!

Green Mommy Blog latest posts:
Interviewing Pediatricians
New Mommy Advice - What Do You Say?
Breastfeeding in Public


  1. This sounds delicious! Good luck - hope you feel great soon!

  2. kristen:
    You are very welcome,I love ur cherry bomb shake but this looks even intersting..will try soon.
    Hope u feel better..

  3. kristen:
    I just rememberes I used to veryu bad coughs and i tried traditional medicinals organic throat coat,very very helpful.Check with ur ND if u can have that.I think main ingredient is Licorice helps a lot with cough..

  4. OH nooooooo, honey. Impeccable timing, huh? Yeesh. I can not only sympathize, but empathize as well. I just got over a nasty case of bronchitis myself. First time sick in 2 years. I was incredulous: "But I can't possibly be sick!" as I'm hacking up half my lung. Oy. I coughed so hard one day, I actually peed myself (and unlike you, I'm NOT 37 weeks pregnant!).

    Laying hands on the computer... HealingLight HealingLight HealingLight

    Rest and be well, sweet Mama.

  5. Glad you are feeling better! Sending you speedy recovery vibes!!! That smoothie sounds amazing!

  6. Kristen,
    Being sick is not fun! I'm 19 weeks right now and I can't imagine how disheartening it would be to be so far along and get sick! Hang in there!! If you're throat is sore, get some Popsicles, they're a little piece of heaven!

  7. I hope you feel better soon. I came down with some kind of respiratory thing while breastfeeding Hayden over the winter. It is so hard to get well again when someone else is taking all the best stuff out of you first. I've got my fingers crossed that you'll be back to your usual self in no time.

    BTW, I noticed that flax just added to my mucus issue, so I had to avoid it for a while until I got better. Maybe it is just me, but I thought I'd mention it.

    Before I forget, I wanted to let you know that your Omega Spice smoothie is good for your baby outside of your belly, too. I had one with romaine in it today. Hayden had about a quarter of it. She was licking her lips with enthusiasm. I could almost hear her saying, "please mommy, give me more."

  8. To comment on the previous comment, it's good to hear mommy's breastfeeding not being afraid of greens. Leafy greens have such a bad rap on giving infants tummy aches. Have you found that true?

    On the blog post, my daughter (7) is having coughing issues, I think it's her cold taking it's course, but do you think this smoothie would be good for children too? I don't see why not, I cook with all these ingredients anyway...I may have just answered my question...

    Great post. I just found your blog and am looking forward to checking it out.

    Blend Well!! Live Well!!

  9. ahhh black pepper! it's my nemesis! practically my only one. but i like other pepper and it does a good job cleaning out mucus. Glad you are a bit better and hope you continue to improve.

  10. Oh, honey. I didn't know you were sick!

    I had chronic bronchial infections as a child, walking pneumonia in 7th grade, and then a whopping case of regular pneumonia in college. I was VERY susceptible. Can you take antibiotics with your pregnancy? Regardless, I definitely recommend lots of liquids, rest, tea, and try to put some peppermint oil in a giant bowl of hot water and breathe deeply with a towel over your head (the way you would with Vicks) often. It'll help clear you up.

    I know the chest pain is terrible! Stay off your feet. If you need anything, email me, OK?


  11. So thrilled to hear you are on your way to recovery.. Your shake sounds simply wonderful indeed..

    Looking forward to hearing about your delivery in a few weeks time..

    Wishing you a happy healthy bouncing baby..

    Love and hugs
    Karen "Native Kitten"

  12. i was wondering where you found your mason jar that can fit a straw??

  13. Happy to hear you are feeling better! The shake sounds good :-)

  14. I'm glad you're feeling better! Here's to being 100% ick free very soon.

  15. Ouch! Sorry to hear you've been unwell Kristen. Here's to cough-free days and nights ahead!

    Some of my clients have found that Pau D'Arco tea in huge quantities has helped too!

    Casey x

  16. You looked great in your last pregnancy shot. Hope you're on the mend. I linked to your cheeze sauce recipe today.

  17. yum! best wishes for your upcoming event! may you all be happy and healthy!!

  18. That shake looks so good!! I'm going to try it out.

  19. is that a straw inserted through a plastic lid? Did you buy that somewhere or make it? I suppose I could just take a drill to a lid. I can't believe I never thought of that!!!! Genius!

  20. My stepdad drilled a hole for me :)

  21. Thank you for replying. I just googled it and couldn't find anything. I'll be going to the garage now! :)
