Saturday, May 22, 2010

Green Juice For The Day With My Hurom

Green juice is the stuff of life! I love the way that each and every sip makes me feel alive and gives me that extra oompf for the day. Just think about how much awesome nutrition you're giving your body with fresh organic green juice - vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and good ol' magic love. Hhmmmm... that's the stuff of life!

I love making a big batch of green juice for the day - which can be done with the Hurom, in my opinion, because it's a slow juicer. This means that it oxidizes at a slower rate than it would with a juicer like the Breville (don't get me wrong though, I like my Breville... but that's for juice you make and drink within 15 minutes of making it for the most nutrition). With the Hurom, I can make 2 quarts of juice (or more) so I can drink some and store some for the day. My juice here had loads of fresh-n-simple organic ingredients: cucumbers, celery, and grape tomatoes. That's it --> SOOOO good.

If you haven't yet, you might like to check out my video here, where I discuss the different aspects of the Hurom, Breville, and Green Star juicers.


  1. Hi Kristen! When I make alot of green juice and save it for alter in the day it starts to get darker and it does not taste as good. I wonder if I am doing something wrong. I fill the jar to the top also.
    I hope you are feeling great!

  2. Hhmmmm That has never happened to me. It stays bright green and tastes amazing! This might be a stretch, but do you use all organic produce?

  3. Yeah for juicing. Todays juice is bright purple from the beet. Beet juice is delicious.

  4. That jar is so cute! I've been looking for convenient containers to carry my green juice. Where did you find it?

  5. ah, i love that sap green color~!

  6. I love that bottle you are using. I am always eyeing your kitchen equipment with envy! Love you SS

  7. Hey there Kristen! Okay, so even though we're doing a home birth, I really wanted to know the gender of our baby - so our ultrasound was today... and it is a BOY! We're stoked. :) Now, have you thought about if your baby is a boy, when/if will you circumcise him? I guess we're looking at like a day or two after birth? Have u heard anything?
    BTW, we're still limping along on our Jack LaLanne juicer - ha! It works. :)


  8. Hi Emelia,
    Congrats! If we have a boy... HELL NO we won't circ!!! If my son decides he wants it at a later date, that is up to him and we'd totally honor it. But I wouldn't dream of doing that to my baby. I think it's up to him when the time is right. As you can see I'm kind of passionate about it. ;)


  9. Re: Raw Sierra's comment on the juice going dark... this is a sign of oxidation. If you include some lemon or other juice that contains vitamin "C" it will prevent this. I've also added ascorbic acid powder to my juice when I've not had lemon on hand and it worked flawlessly at preserving the vibrant color of the fresh juice... this demonstrates the wonderful antioxidant qualities of "C".

    I also use lemon or ascorbic acid when making carrot salad... it keeps the salad bright orange.

