Saturday, May 8, 2010

Exciting News! Details About My Next Book!

Today, I had an awesome interview with Tera of the Raw Divas / Raw Mom where the theme was Mother's Day. We chatted about the journey of my pregnancy (the fertility adventure we went through to get where I am today: PREGNANT!), as well as the plans for my future baby with respect to home birth, nutrition, lifestyle, etc. You can listen to the whole thing here!

What I also talked about during the interview, for the first time, are the details for my upcoming book (I've been keeping it top secret until now). Now that the cat is out of the bag, I can't help but tell everyone because I'm so excited! So.... without further ado... my next book is a book of recipes including delicious Raw Vegan Transition recipes where each one has a cooked vegan component as well as a raw component to it. And. The book also has a chapter of delectable new all-raw recipes that I've been perfecting over the past year.

Why did I write a book with recipes that included cooked vegan foods? Well, there are a number of reasons.

1) There are some people who come to the raw lifestyle and they don't want to jump in with both feet. They need help with a transition in getting their palate adjusted to the raw foods. These recipes are great for that!

2) There are other people who have families that are not completely on board with going raw. If this is you, then this book offers recipes that will satisfy both sides of the family. It's a great way to start getting healthy foods into your family's diet without any complaints.

3) During my pregnancy, I've maintained a pretty high raw diet. There were times that I wanted some cooked foods for comfort and there were some times I wanted higher levels of protein. But, I didn't want to totally sacrifice nutrition. As a result, I found myself in the kitchen making some fabulous meals that incorporated both cooked and raw elements in a dish. I realized that I'm not alone in this situation and there are a number of mommies who want the same thing.

4) And, frankly, not everyone wants to be 100% raw all of the time. There are many people who love a raw diet that includes a little cooked-ness to it. This book is perfect for that.

My hope is that the book will be ready in the next 1-2 months. Stay tuned for details!


  1. this is exactly what i'm looking for! patiently waiting for it to be available!!!!

  2. "there are a number of mommies who want the same thing..." YES, YES, YES! :) I am finding raw foods help me feel my best during pregnancy (and always), but I do have my comforting cooked vegan foods for extra protein. I love the balance. I love high raw!

  3. How exciting! What a great concept -it's refreshing to see someone who truly understand the audience she's writing for! I can't wait to hear more about your upcoming book!

  4. Glad to hear it!!! Thx for chiming in. :)

  5. This book will be perfect for me, I can't wait for it to come out!!

  6. You are so easy to listen to. Some audios I listen to I really have to nail down my attention but you just naturally talk in a way that makes me want to listen. A great gift to have, Kristen!
    You are lucky to have your husband at home with you! I hope that can happen for me someday too!

  7. Kristin, this is truly a great idea, especially from someone who ALWAYS has great recipes, and I can't wait until it's ready!


  8. Woo-hoo!
    Looking forward to it. Off to listen to interview...

  9. Thank you, Capt'n Amazing's wife :)

  10. I loved listening to the interview! You are so enthusiastic and down to Earth I totally relate to what you stand for.
    And I am super excited about your new book! Finally a book that is the best of both worlds - cooked vegan and raw. Love it already (just as I do all your other ones!)
    Happy Mother's Day!

  11. I'm so excited about your book! It sounds like my ideal read as I'm in that transitioning phase and am not very good at being thorough with getting the full/proper nutrition- I don't really keep track of it so could be missing some key nutrients. (I've been vegan and transitioning to raw for almost a year now). Darn, just have to wait 12 months :)

    I love your enthusiasm btw; inspiring.

  12. Sounds wonderful! Will be looking forward to it!

  13. This is fantastic Kristen - as someone who helps busy moms incorporate more raw foods into their life - I eagerly look forward to your next book. Would love to talk about putting it up on my new and upcoming site.


  14. I'm so thrilled for your new book! :)

  15. Congratulations! I can't wait. I know this will be a great gift for friends and family members who are trying to make the raw transition but don't know where to start.

  16. What a great balance! Your points are right on, I think that approach will help us all stay focused on our health and not slide down the SAD slide....I look forward to your new book! :) (as a mom who is high raw with a mostly vegan 4 yo, mostly vegetarian 7 yo's and hubby!)

  17. Happy Mother's Day, Kristen!!!!!!!!! And the new book, very cool! Pregnancy changes us. It makes us want certain things that sometimes we didn't use to...and it makes us listen to our bodies even more. Well, for me at least :)

    Anyway, you are in the home stretch!! Cant remember your due date but my sister is due the end of June...lotsa babies coming in the summer!

  18. Looking forward to ur new book and loved ur interview,u talk so well:))).Good luck!!

  19. Loved your interview -- listened to it while I prepped food for the dehydrator :)
    (and YES so true about the pregnancy-thirst!)

  20. Fabulous idea Kristen! I think this will be a wonderfully received book. And they say your brain goes when your pregnant, I know mine did: ) Well, you just proved them wrong!

  21. Great blog. I can't wait to pass on your pregnancy entries to my pregnant friends. I just recently started 30 day challenge to eat mostly raw vegan.

    Stacy O.

  22. Good for you, mama! I am SO excited for this!

  23. I'm one of those that doesn't want to be 100% raw. My mornings are but I crave warm food and cave at lunch or dinner.

    Congrats on the second book.

    That's smart to include a few cooked recipes. Trying to be healthy is hard enough but to have your family fighting you at every turn is disastrous.

    Thanks for the visit.

  24. OMG! Can't wait to hear more deets about your book!

  25. I am really looking forward to your new transition book. We have been a vegan family for 5 years, dabbled in raw vegan awhile back and now due to a chronic disease diagnosis we are back implementing a raw vegan diet. This book will be perfect for our family. Congratulations
