Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kristen's Raw 23rd Awesome Giveaway - FREE RAW GRANOLA AND NUT MILK BAG!

Yippee!!! It's time for another awesome giveaway (can you believe it's my 23rd!?). Sirova is offering another giveaway here on my blog. Sweet!!! The prize this time? One lucky winner will win one bag of Go Raw's Apple Cinnamon Granola along with a 9" nut milk bag. How cool is that?

Here is what Sirova says about Go Raw's Apple Cinnamon Granola:
You probably had apple cinnamon granola in the past, but did you know that the raw version is just as delicious, not to mention incredibly healthy?
Sprouted organic buckwheat groats, sprouted organic flax seeds, sprouted organic sesame seeds, organic apples (unsulphured), raw organic agave nectar, and organic cinnamon are mixed together to feed you at the cellular level while you enjoy every spoonful!
Apple cinnamon granola goes great with almond milk or eat it right out of the bag! Gently dried at less than 105 degrees, slightly sweet and loaded with fiber - it's gotta be the healthiest, most satisfying cereal ever!
Here is what Sirova says about the nut milk bag:
These sprouting bags are made of high-quality nylon, and are perfect for sprouting, making nut milks and even juicing! Each bag is handmade in the US, and quality tested to ensure that you receive the finest product.
These bags are ideal for any number of straining or sprouting uses. The fine mesh material minimizes sediment and allows for sprouting of even the smallest of seeds and grains, while the bias cut, surge sewn construction ensures durability.
To strain your nut milks or juices, simply hang the bag above a container (we like to use a kitchen cupboard door handle) and squeeze the liquid out leaving only the pulp (fiber) in the bag. Then, simply rinse the bag, using a little dish soap if you like, and hang the bag to dry after squeezing all the water out.
Every once in a while, soak the nut milk bag in a container with 3% hydrogen peroxide to cover. This will kill any aerobic bacteria contamination. Rinse again before using.

It's simple to participate. All you have to do is answer the following question in this post's comment section. The contest will end Friday night, May 14th @ 11:59pm. I'll enter everyone's name who answered the question into a drawing and announce the winner on my blog Saturday, May 15th. *Please note: While I would love to hear from everyone around the world in answering this question, I have to limit the winner to a person living in the United States.

QUESTION/TASK: Sirova would like you to visit their website and tell them what other products you'd like them to carry.

Want another chance to win? Tweet a link to this blog post and come back to let me know in a separate comment.

Want another chance to win? Facebook a link to this blog post and come back to let me know in a separate comment.

Want another chance to win? Write about this giveaway on your blog and link back to this blog post. Come back to let me know in a separate comment.


  1. the mixed super food kit is such a great idea. i like that it's all in one. i guess because i new to the raw world, i don't know what else to suggest, but i'd love to try their products!

  2. E3live would be a good addition ;) Thanks for the chance :)

  3. The nut milk bag looks awesome, though I have to admit I would have no idea how to use it. Maybe some additional books on introducing raw foods and how to use common raw tools? Thanks for such a fun giveaway!!

  4. i'd love to try the make your own raw chocolate kit - then perhaps i wouldn't feel quite so guilty about my daily cravings ;)

  5. Just tweeted! @PrivateKithcen

  6. What a great site!

    I would love it if they carried hemp butter, raw almonds and mesquite powder.

  7. Just tweeted a post to my twitter account at: raw food mamas.

    Thanks Kristen.

  8. I'd suggest they carry liquid stevia

  9. blogged at http://mrna1.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/day1/


  10. I'm just transitioning to a raw lifestyle now but I'm really into sprouting - I'd love to see sprouting resources!!

  11. i would love for them to have sunflower lecithin.

  12. I think they should offer a getting started kit with ingredients and some simple ways to use them!

  13. I would love to see a "make your own raw granola bar kit." I've been meaning to do that forever, but need to get all the ingredients first. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. It seems the only nut butter they carry is pistachio butter. While that sounds delicious, I think it'd be great if they carried things like almond butter and cashew butter as well. My suggestion = increase the yummy nut butter selection, please!

    P.S. Love your blog, Kristen. I don't comment much on here but I'm a constant reader. It's very sweet that you do giveaways like this for us.

  15. Great website! I would love to see them carry a variety of super green powders!

  16. tweet and retweet!
    xoxxxxo <3
    deb xo

  17. How about agave powder, almond flour, coconut flour and coconut butter?


  18. I would love to try the Raw Granola and Milk Bag. I am new to the Raw foods lifestyle. I appreciate your advice and help. I recently received my spiral slicer and am enjoying it.Love all the pictures of the family. The granola looks and sounds spendid. Blessings Mary Riley ( marykalima) means transition and change.

  19. Oooo, I'm a lip balm junkie, so I'd love to see a larger array of choices there. Lovely giveaway!

  20. Great Website. Coconut butter is always a plus!!

  21. I would love some DVDs of people teaching you to make raw meals and desserts.

  22. I would really like to see Jungle Peanuts!

  23. more variation of lara bars

  24. There's so much on there, I'm not sure what else they COULD carry, except maybe more different brands of things like cacao powder, to offer more selection.

  25. I'm just starting out and transitioning to raw so I'm not sure what would be the most helpful. I'm also gluten free so maybe a book that would help those of us who can't have gluten. I'm looking forward to exploring your website and getting some of your recipe books.

  26. awesome products in this giveaway! They have wonderful items on the site, I think vanilla powder would be great, I use it a lot and will need to be getting more soon =)

  27. Would love to see some sprouting kits.

  28. Hemp butter, definitely.

  29. Just tweeted @ cdotoz

  30. I posted on FB as well.

  31. One more: Posted over at my blog:


  32. Maybe add some apple cider vinegar to the Oils, Condiments and Seasonings offering... that's a great staple in the raw kitchen! :)

    P.S. Love the site, Kristen! Thanks for being a great raw resource.

  33. Hey - I'd love to see more raw cookbooks. As a semi-vegetarian, it's great to have cookbooks on hand with great recipes - yes - even though the computer is only a room away :)

  34. Just gave a contest tweet - https://twitter.com/lisabrowndesign

  35. Just added a facebook post :)

  36. And... just added you to my blog - http://lisabrowndesign.blogspot.com/

  37. I would like them to carry a starter kit for making Kombucha!

  38. Coconut flour, one of my favorite things!

  39. Hmm. Probably more nut/seed butter choices!

  40. I wrote about you and posted your giveaway on my blog!


  41. They should carry raw "tools": knives, blenders, juicers..etc.

  42. Tweeted your giveaway here http://twitter.com/luiyuming

    I think I would like to see more Larabar flavours like Banana Bread, Coconut Cream Pie, Cinnamon Roll, etc that are sold separately and not in the 16-bar box that is on sale on Amazon. I think folks like me prefer variety and would shy away from committing to 16 bars of the same flavour — how boring!

    Also, I would love to see Lydia's Organics products like her luna crackers and buckwheat bars, too.

  43. I'd like to see raw food cook books on the site. The site was easy to navigate!

  44. I'd like them to carry raw almond butter and more raw nut butters in general. Thanks :-)
    I really need this but mylk bag! I am sick of making a mess with my rice strainer!!!

  45. It would be great to see more nut butter options on Sirova's site.

  46. It would be nice if they had kitchen items like spiralizer!

  47. I just tweeted @Nutritiousfood

  48. some more protein powders might be helpful :)

  49. It'd be great if they carried raw chips.

  50. More body products! I love coconut oil, but I can not use it daily myself. Especially on my face! So more variety on that area would be great!!

  51. I tweeted about this giveaway. http://twitter.com/adthomas/status/13859707970

  52. I shared the giveaway on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/liandxp

  53. i would like to transition to a raw lifestyle and i looove nut butters! i would really enjoy if Sirova made a Nut Butter kit, full of varieties of nut butter like almond,cashew,
    pistachio and whatever else, butter.

  54. I love the idea of the mixed super foods kit. I think they have it covered maybe some body products, :) I don't know! I am new to the "raw scene" and am excited to get started!

  55. It looks like there isn't much variety for certain things like nuts, seeds, butters, cookies, granolas, sea salt. But, if I had to pick one, I would have to pick something totally different... like raw ice cream since summer is almost here. I don't know of many places that carry it.

  56. The site looks good, I'm just getting into all this health food stuff so I'm not sure what they should add to their site, lol.

  57. Hi there,

    Looks like they only have one flavor of Lara bar. For shame. :)

    I'd like to be able to purchase all flavors.


  58. I love Go Raw's granola am eating their choclate one right one,its awesome.Would love to get a nut milk bag.
    Would like to see more nut butters..

  59. I would like to see affordable raw almond butter! :)

  60. I would love for them to have a sprouted snack made with lacuma or yacon instead of agave. That would be awesome.

  61. I think there could be a larger variety of just about every product (different brands, etc.). Another idea of something to carry, would be liquid stevia, in all different flavors.

    Thanks for the chance to win :)

  62. The kits are a cute idea. I'd like to see more of those!

  63. Put it on Facebook

  64. Spirulina powder and crunchies and chlorella powder and tablets would make great additions to their site :) Green superfoods rock!

  65. For those of us that poo---shampoo, I mean---a healthy good for you chemical free poo would be great.

  66. What a great giveaway!

    I think they should carry some raw crackers or breads, for those with a savory as opposed to a sweet tooth.

  67. What a great giveaway!

    I think they should carry some raw crackers or breads, for those with a savory as opposed to a sweet tooth.

  68. I never heard of Sirova until now. I am in the market for an excellent quality, and healthy, shampoo and conditioner (must be vegan and chemical free). I ordered some from another raw foods site and it has massively dried out my hair...yuck.

  69. I would love for them to carry some variety/varieties of raw chips -- veggie chips or dehydrated corn chips or something along those lines. These are my favorite kinds of snacks, and difficult to find for sale anywhere (and there isn't always time to make them myself... what's a girl to do when a salty crunchy snack craving hits? :))

  70. I'd love to see some of those Livin' Spoonful crackers everyone's abuzz about!

  71. The granola looks and sounds amazing. Thanks for the oppertunity!

  72. I think it would be great if they carried additional natural cosmetics. So far I haven't found "the one" for me. :)

  73. sirova should carry more raw bars (for on-the-go /busy people!) and kelp noddles!
