Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday's Plan: My Day, Pregnancy Food Journal, Etc (Belly Picture!)

Today is going to be a fun day because I get to see my midwife! I'm curious as to what my weight will be, and to see how my measurements are shaping up, as well as get the results from my blood and urine tests. I'll report back with the info.

(Took this picture yesterday - I'm getting so big!) I've been VERY hungry the past couple of days. I honestly don't know where I'm putting it all. Oh wait, I do: my thighs. They officially rub when I wear a nightgown. Well, at least I know my body works - lol - I'm storing that fat for breastfeeding and growing baby.

I'm still walking, only now it's every couple of days and  I don't go as long... maybe between 20-40 minutes and then I have to stop either from low back pain or the pulling in my pelvis area. A little walking, though, feels better than no walking. We have access to a salt water pool that I have yet to take advantage of - perhaps I will today.

Here is my food plan (high raw, all vegan) for today:

~ Organic peppermint ice tea to take my supplements: spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass tablets, prenatals, iron, probiotic (I'll take my vegan DHA later in the day with food) - as I've written before, I don't take all of these daily. For one reason, taking spirulina can have a negative impact on whether my body properly assimilates vitamin B12 so I take it every few days. The iron I take here and there, maybe 1-2 times a week, if that.

~ SunWarrior Protein Shake (2 scoops) - I'm making it a point to keep my protein intake up during the third trimester on a more regular basis.

~ Organic apple

~ Organic green juice (cucumbers, celery, romaine)

~ Fruity Hemp Shake (loaded up with all kinds of goodies - this will probably be about 400+ calories)

~ Organic salad (big) with romaine, cucumber, red bell pepper, avocado, and a raw raspberry dressing

~ Organic vegan mac-n-cheeze (homemade sauce) with organic pasta and kidney beans

~ Raw nut butter chocolate truffles (2)


  1. Your belly is so cute. It won't be long now. I remember thinking toward the end of my pregnancy if a particular day would be the last time I'd feel my little one moving around inside me. It is so special. Only mothers get a chance to experience it.

    BTW, happy early Mother's Day!

  2. Your belly is so beautiful!!! I can't wait for mine to look like that!!! Yummy food, share this mac-n-cheeze recipe please? ;)

  3. I totally agree. You're one beautiful Mommy. I had no idea that spirulina affected the absorption of B-12. I have MS and take B-12 regularly, but I also take Amazing Grass Green Superfood daily in my juice. It contains spirulina. So, I guess that means that my B-12 is not getting absorbed properly. Is that what you are saying? Do you know where you learned this information so that I could read it? Thanks a bunch. Pam

  4. Hi Pam,
    Various sources address the topic. You can google it and use words like B12, spirulina, analog. Some say the body simply can't use it in the spirulina form, and some say it competes with letting the body actually use the B12 you take in other supplements. On the other hand, some people say it's a good source of B12. I'm not taking my chances since B12 is so important and I want to ensure my body is assimilating it. Therefore, using spirulina one and off is an easy solution for me. :)

    Thanks for asking!

  5. Enjoy these last days and weeks.. that belly is so cute!
    can't wait to see who comes out!
    xooxxo deb

  6. Your belly looks amazing!!
    Your eats sounds fantastic and so nourishing!

  7. Thanks Kristin. I just wish that the spirulina was not in the green powder because now I will have to decide whether to eliminate it from my daily morning juice. The powder has so many other good nutrients that I hate to stop it. I'll check google like you suggested. Thanks! Pam

  8. Thank you so much for sharing with us. So many raw bloggers drop off the radar during pregnacy and I love hearing about your progress! Little baby is so lucky to have a mamma like you!

  9. Cute belly pic! I swear, it doesn't matter how full I am when I read your posts, my mouth waters.

  10. Thanks for sharing your belly pic!

    If you are at all interested in getting henna for your belly I highly recommend this artist in Phoenix.

    It would look beautiful on you and makes for memorable photos!

  11. Yummy eats and a cute belly! Hope you're feeling good these final weeks :)

  12. What brand of Spirulina do you use? I have read that Spirulina might be contamintaed and have high leverls of mercurt? Does this concern you?
    Thanks for a GREAT BLOG!

  13. Hi Vee,
    Isn't it hard when there is conflicting information!? Especially when so many reputed professionals recommend it.

    Although it can contain it, I've read that it can be based on where it's grown and you have to consume quite a bit. I've only ever taken it in a single dosage which was not anywhere close to potentially dangerous levels (in the event that it was in there). And, I don't take it daily. Furthermore, there is some conflicting info from the study that originally claimed high levels of mercury. Apparently, the study didn't use a good method for detection, and, therefore, reported numbers higher than it should have. Subsequent testing of a different testing method revealed that if any mercury was found, it was in low quantities and not to be of concern. Lastly, I usually took it the days that I took chlorella which is known to remove mercury, so I probably have my bases covered. ;)

    However, that being said... I can understand if someone didn't want to take the chance. The brand I sometimes use is by Planetary Organics and it's USDA certified organic.

  14. Kristen, this is a bot random, but I found this at Whole Foods yesterday:

    Thought I'd show it to you since I'm always bothering you for ideas about soy substitutes!

    Take care :)

  15. Thanks. I'm familiar with the product. I have it. :)

  16. Hi Kristen! When are you due again? I can never remember :) You look great! Happy Mama-to-be day!

  17. Hey girly, this is my first time visiting your lovely corner of the blogosphere, so you'll have to excuse me for being a wee bit late on this: Congratulations on being preggers!!! Um, it's funny because just today, I was thinking about how much I love pregnant women... I was working a shift with a colleague who is pregnant and maybe it was just her, but I just think there's something positively glowing about a mother or mother-to-be, and that just makes them so incredibly fun to be around. Even though I haven't met you in person, I'm sure the people who know you will be able to vouch for your extra glow-y-ness.

    :) Aletheia

  18. What a gorgeous baby belly! I'm so happy for you & your family ... :)
