Wednesday, May 26, 2010

37 Weeks Pregnant w/ Acute Bronchitis

Ai yai yai! It looks like I have acute bronchitis at 37 weeks pregnant. The past few days have been quite miserable with all of the coughing I've been doing - my torso aches. It was keeping me up all night and the one thing I need right now is tons of rest so I can be ready to have a homebirth at any time (now that I'm 37 weeks). It's during the next 5 weeks that our baby can come (the fertility clinic predicts a mid-June birth but Monkey could definitely come earlier).

What am I doing for my bronchitis? I decided to see our naturopathic doctor because my cough was getting worse, and it was with him that we determined I probably have acute bronchitis. He sent me home with herbs, homeopathic meds, a rub for my chest, and directions to use steam, a saline nasal mist, and/or to consider using a neti pot (I hate those things... I'm lousy at using them). I'm feeling a little better, but I still have a ways to go before I'm completely healed.

In the meantime, we're nesting. I have the baby clothes and cloth diapers washed, and the changing table is set up. (Our dear friend gave us her changing table and it's sooo nice! - THANKS PAM!) I reviewed my birth plan and printed copies for everyone. We're installing the car seat next week. I'm stocking my freezer with foods for after the birth. I need to have a hospital bag packed in the event of an emergency transfer (I'll do that next week). I have my birth towels and receiving blankets washed and ready to use for the homebirth. That's all I can think of right now...

So, we're almost ready to go. I need to get some other work finished up for Kristen's Raw (like my newest book I'm working on!), rest, and just wait for that moment when I say, "I'm in labor! Yeehaw!" It's going to be awesome!


  1. Sick and pregnant--a bad combination! Wishing you good health and a smooth and easy delivery.

  2. What an exciting time, Kristen! Feel better soon.

  3. Oh, and you look gorgeous in that photo! Lovin' that amazing belly.

  4. Awwww...Poor you.I hate coughs during pregnancy..Hope u feel better,try to add some black pepper and turmeric to your diet always help with bronchial problems..Also try cinnamon with honey(I know ur raw..but if u can ),another thing boil some coriander seeds in water ,strain and drink..No harm in trying if it helps...get well soon!!

  5. I hope you are feeling better soon chica!

    You look AMAZING!!!

  6. get well soon Kristen!!!

    when I was about 32-36 weeks we were traveling out of the country and I came back, very, very sick. I know what it feels like to be sick at the end of preg and it ain't fun! HANG IN THERE!

    Sounds like you are all set! Nothing is better than a stack of washed and folded (or stuffed if you're using pockets) diapers. So happy for you guys!

    Here's to smooth sailing the last few weeks...


  7. You look amazing Kristen! Get well soon and I wish you a peaceful delivery :)

  8. You are so cute Kristen! I'll be praying for a quick recovery and a healthy easy home birth!

  9. Oh man, I hope you feel better soon! Hey, look at the bright side, you'll have rock hard abs from all the coughing : ) I'm SO excited for you Kristen! This has been a long time coming and it is such a blessing. Yeah!


  10. Rock hard abs? Sweet!

    Thanks for all of the well wishes everyone. You've all been on this journey with me. It's meant so much to have your kind support.

  11. Praying that you're 100% well, as soon as possible!! **hugs**

  12. your belly is like the moon-goddess - so gorgeous!

  13. Get well soon! Hope the last few weeks are pleasurable despite being ill. Exciting! x

  14. Get well soon:( sorry to hear you are going through bronchitis...yuck! Thank goodness for herbal remedies! Love to hear how you are preparing...such an exciting time!

  15. Awww I'm sorry to hear you aren't well at the moment. I'm sure you'll be back to normal in no time, though. And you look so phenomenal! I'm sure you hear it all the time, but really - you are GLOWING! What a wonderful and beautiful mama you are going to be. Lucky baby!

  16. I hope you get better soon! I can't wait for this baby to arrive!

  17. Get well soon! You look absolutely stunning!! Sending you lots of good birthing vibes!! HUGS!

  18. Lessee... (word verification is "lesseys", which seems appropriate!)

    Although I'm sure you plan to breastfeed, a couple of bottles isn't a bad idea - keeping a bottle of expressed breast milk in the freezer helped a lot when I wasn't feeling well after my daughter was born, also gave Daddy a chance to get in on the feeding snuggles. And babies do just get thirsty for some water, especially out west where you are (I was in Denver at the time)

    Cradle or crib? Even if you plan to family-bed, having a safe place that baby can't fall out of while you take a shower or do the laundry is a good thing.

    Rocking chair? Believe me, this beats the heck out of walking the floors when Baby decides that he/she does NOT intend to settle down from colic, excess gas, teething gums or just plain ornery.

    Just a few ideas.

  19. Aw, hope you feel better soon! I know absolutely nothing about being pregnant, but I'm sure it sucks more when you're sick.

  20. You all are so sweet! Thank you :)

  21. Kristen,

    I have been reading your blog for a while now and want to say that I think it is great that you are having such a healthy pregnancy. I admire you for the choices you are making for yourself and your baby. You look awesome by the way! Hope you feel better soon.

  22. Kristen- You look amazing at 37 weeks!! Do you mind if I ask how much weight you have gained and where you started at? I'm 26 weeks today and I've already gained 22 pounds, but I started at 113 & I'm 5'4. I know its different for everyone but I am a little obsessed with comparing myself to other veg-heads :).
    Good luck with your home birth! Do you plan on posting about your experience?

  23. We estimate that I've gained 30-35 pounds. I'm just about 5'6".

  24. Just a tip--even though I know you're committed--about cloth diapers: we used paper diapers until the umbilical cord fell off because I couldn't figure out how to keep the cloth from irritating it. if you do, please spread the word. I love my cloth diapers and even use them on the road, but I COULD NOT figure that out and we're expecting baby #2. I'd like to avoid paper altogether this time around.

  25. Please let us know how you are doing with your bronchitis.. I am concerned about you...

    Have you in my prayers you get over this quickly

    Karen aka Native Kitten

  26. That's a really beautiful picture of you. I think most moms would be jealous that you can be pregnant and sick and still look that good. It really speaks volumes for a raw vegan diet! Feel better!

  27. You look so happy and healthy, despite the bronchitis!

    I am sure you will be well in time for your bub to arrive.

    Wishing you a happy birthing :D

  28. Despite this minor hiccup you're look pretty good(Healthy glow and radiance:).

    Best wishes!


  29. Sorry you're not feeling well, but you look beautiful!

  30. Omg so sorry to hear about you being sick!! =( On the upside, your hair look insanely voluminous and gorgeous and I'm loving the belly. You look amazing!

    Glad you're taking good care of yourself, I hope you get some better rest soon. Oh and the neti pot? You can get the one that's a squirt bottle, MUCH easier to use! I hated using the little teapot, lol, and now I use the squirt bottle all the time. Works wonders for my allergies. Take care! <3

  31. you look so amazing!! :) one radiant pregnant woman! i hope i look as fab as you at 37 weeks :)


  32. You are so gorgeous pregnant!You look so healthy!And I think you look most beautiful with dark hair.
