Thursday, June 10, 2010

F*ck! Interrupting This Program...

I came across this post and must share it. I'm in quite a state right now as I type this - fired up is putting it mildly. I'm beyond angry. The sadness coursing through my veins... I just don't understand how people can behave this way.

Update June 10: Agnes, my friend on Facebook, sent me this news article updating the status of what's going on. View here.


  1. Ok, so I read about the first sentence of that and couldn't read anymore. Honestly, it was reading in the Skinny Bitch book about the treatment of pigs in a similiar manner that made me stop eating meat, cold turkey, (no pun intended,) that very day. My thought is, pigs are smarter than dogs. We wouldn't beat the crap out of our pet dog like that? I look in my dog's happy face and then imagine an animal smarter than her, and it kills me. So.. yeah, no meat (except seafood,) for me anymore. And for my boyfriend, as much organic and free range as I can afford.

  2. Ugh, that is absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking :(

  3. This is a sad example of animal cruelty, but to be honest, farmers cannot remain in business if they treat their animals this way. The farmers I know in my rural neck of the woods would NEVER treat their animals like this. In fact my neighbor took her newborn goats into her KITCHEN to keep them warm this winter and sat up all night to keep them alive. Many farmers are kind people. This is an example of a very sick animal abuser for sure, but not all farms are like this.

  4. I think small farms are quite different from big factory farms, and I think it happens a lot more than some think.

  5. I fail to comprehend what makes ANYONE think they have a right to treat another living creature like that. That is absolutely heartbreaking. I can't imagine the type of people they must be- I would be concerned for their children's safety.

  6. This is heartbreaking and disgusting. I live in the general area of where this farm is located so we saw it on the news every night. (Imagine watching parts of that video EVERY night.) Also we have driven by the farm and to be honest it is on some beautiful land. You would think that these cows are living the lap of luxury - green fields and open space. It really is very sad.

  7. I heard about this. I also heard not to watch it unless you want to be horrified. I can't hear it right now. I can't believe this happens.

  8. Hi Knitty,

    Wow you are right there. I'm curious... What is the energy or thougts amongst others in your area?

  9. i can't even bring myself to read it...

    i don't understand animal cruelty at all...

    i wish there was something i could save them all...

  10. This is horrid and disgusting and not new. And people do this to each other, too. Everywhere, behind closed doors. I hate all this cruelty. I hate it all.

  11. You know, the more I eat raw vegan and pristine superfoods...the more aware I am of everything around me. I think the world is starting to wake up and see things like this and bring change into effect. So glad we could be helpful to others in that way. You go girl! Keep on keepin' on! YEAH!

  12. Every time I hear about something like this, I'm re-affirmed. Sometimes being a vegan feels hard- but it's nothing compared to what those poor animals deal with. My heart just breaks for them.

  13. Good for you, Molly. Thx for sharing :)

  14. I literally feel like I might vomit after watching that. I struggle with being vegan, but my goodness after watching that I just feel like how could I NOT! And to see the owner of the farm participating as well, holy shit! I hope they all go to prison and get the same treatment from their inmates, but worse! Karma!

  15. Molly took the words right out my mouth!
    I started getting very angry, then I started getting extremely sad and had to turn it off before tears started streaming out of my eyes.
    I hate our laws and I hate the fact that "domesticated" animals have more rights than "live stock" animals. It's bull shit.

  16. I cannot even begin to understand HOW a person could think of treating any animal like that. The farm should have an automatic closure put on it with fines so high that the only option for payment is by sale of the property. All involved should not ever be allowed to work with or near animals again and sent to prison for their crimes. Why do we live in a world where that same treatment to a human automatically governs punishment but for an animal they have to look into it - animals feel pain the same way we do regardless of their intelligence!!

    I am disgusted that no only do the employee's treat the animals like this but the owner/manager is in on the act for which he is actually the worst offender by allowing it to happen.

    My heart breaks for each and every animal that has seen this type of cruelty.

  17. My step dad emailed me yesterday and wrote, "Have the baby already. Eat a juicy burger."

    I wrote back, thinking "aww HELL no!" and I wrote, "Ordinarily I shrugg off comments like that, but not today(!). This is why I'm vegan!" And I sent him the link.

    I haven't heard back yet.

  18. I can't bring myself to watch that video. I am absolutely horrified at how these big farms treat the animals.

    Via this blog and a few others, I am no longer drinking cow's milk or eating any kind of meat. Movies like "Food Matters" and "Food, Inc." were enough (and they're not even as bad as I imagine this video probably is).

    I've never been a PETA person, but I sure don't see that anything good comes from abusing animals, domestic, farm, or wild. God is weeping.

  19. It's articles like this that I want to share with non-vegans and say, "See! See! Look what you're supporting! Look what you're doing to these innocent animals!" The only way to go is vegan, where we don't have to rely on animals to sacrifice their lives to "give us our calcium and protein." So sad...I will share this with my non-vegan friends and family.

  20. The general feeling around here is utter disgust and outrage at the farm to let something like this happen and even worse try to cover it up. I also think a feeling of violation that something like this could happen so close to home and in such a lovely setting.

    For a lot of my friends it reaffirms our commitment to lead a life where we live, work, and eat ethically and responsibly.

  21. Ashamed to say I live where this is happening. This was on our news not too long ago. Another farmer from a different farm was interviewed to help show that not all cows in Ohio are abused. I thankfully switched to a vegan diet a good 4-5 months ago and so happy I did.

  22. I watched a lot of the video but could not watch the entire thing. I am a psychology major and not even I can understand these people. I'm litterally shaking with anger and I was crying. I...I just don't even know what to say. I've been a vegan for 8 years and if I ever had any inkling to stop (which I don't) it was completely removed!

    I'm afraid to click on the link again but what is happening to those people now? What about the farm? And the cows?

  23. This is so disgustingly sad & heartbreaking. I wish everyone who ate dairy would watch it.

    I just have to say... For the people who think this treatment only happens on big farms - THIS video is from a small farm!!! No, animal abuse doesn't happen on every single farm, but it isn't as rare as we'd like to believe. Big farms, small farms, factory farms, "free range" farms - when animals are being exploited for their flesh & secretions, abuse happens! The only way to not support it is to GO VEGAN. Enough excuses already.

  24. Thank you for that, Jess.


  25. Thank YOU for posting this, Kristen!! I know it's hard to watch (it's even hard for me to talk about because it makes me feel so sad & angry), but knowledge is power. Ignoring these atrocities won't make them go away. The more people we have working towards creating positive changes, the faster those changes will happen!


  26. There are lots of animal horror stories out there. In our culture it's nearly impossible to stop the rampant abuse/torture of farm animals. The corporate culture values profit and efficiency above all else.
    Rather than dwell on the abuse and the horror/anger/impotence that are its byproducts, I work on focusing my thoughts on positive things and healthy outcomes. My activism comes in the form of a vegan lifestyle and a tendency to talk about nutrition and raw/living foods to nearly everyone I meet in a social setting. I do this from a health perspective since most people feel defensive/adopt a position when morality and ethics are added into the conversation. While ethics and sustainability inform my thinking in regards to the vegetarian lifestyle I find it's more effective to provide information that's of immediate benefit to a large variety of people. Depending on where they are on their life journey they can find out more about the ethics and sustainability of a raw foods/vegan lifestyle.
    I didn't adopt this perspective overnight so I've learned not to expect it of others.

  27. Even more important to ommit animal products and to be their voice.

    Love to you, Kristen:0)


  28. Well, I'm with Knitty and All American Girl in that I live in basically the same area too. I haven't even heard people in my circles talking about it, but this is a reminder that I need to send this information out to all of my friends (most of whom LOVE meat). So, it's a work in progress in my circle of family/friends. Maybe this will shed some light on what they are doing and they will stop. Even small steps are huge. Thanks.

  29. this is heartbreaking.
    i can't believe we share a world with such cruel and sadistic individuals. i hope they pay dearly for their crimes, and that more of an effort is made to prevent such monsterous behavior.

  30. Todd, I think you have a very positive thinking strategy. I find the same happens when I share anything negative about eating animals. People do get very defensive. They have nothing to be defensive about when we talk about the benefits of a plant-based diet. Thanks for your positive feedback! Pam ALMOST TIME TO MEET THAT LITTLE MONKEY KRISTEN. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!

  31. This is so sad......Heartbreaking.
    So happy I went veggie over 20 yrs ago

  32. I think this is so disgusting. I would seriously love to take those workers "behind the barn" for a minute or two! I sincerely hope that this is the EXCEPTION to the rule.

  33. I couldn't watch after 3 seconds of film. I'm sick to my stomach.

    But grateful to you for sharing this with us. There. Is. No. Excuse.

  34. I read about this on the news.

    It really makes me sick, and it really upsets me.

  35. I am outraged and angry about cruelty to animals, including the BP oil disaster, but confused-how can a human do this? In a work environment, how can one person be allowed to do this? C'mon they were all involved, even if they were silent about the treatment of the animals. They should all go to jail and banned from ever being in contact with another living thing. What does someone get out of doing that? I'm a big believer that how you do one thing is how you do everything. I can only imagine these "farmers
    at home.

  36. Exactly, Modern Girl Style! In fact, check out this article showing the connection between animal cruelty and human behavior problems... it is finally getting some attention.

  37. This breaks my heart a million times over. I really, really cannot comprehend how these people have absolutely no heart, soul or emotion in their bodies. Oh how I wish I could take all those cows (and pigs and chickens) home with me.
