Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cayenne Spiced Green Smoothie (Raw Vegan Recipe)

I woke up today with my food planned. Sometimes when I can't fall asleep (like last night - we bought a new vacuum, and I HAD TO VACUUM! I have the nesting bug and was cleaning until about 3am) - anyway... sometimes when I can't sleep,  I like to take the time to plan out my EATS for the following day. I know it might sound corny, but I love doing it. I actually get excited about all the healthy food I have planned for the next day. It motivates me.

My first meal? A wonderfully spicy green smoothie to get my day going. As I'm writing this, and drinking the smoothie, I feel some movement in my belly from baby. I guess the spice is going to wake us both up. The spice in my smoothie comes from black pepper, ginger, and cayenne. I decided to add a healthy dose of cayenne last minute because I recalled reading this good article on the awesomeness of cayenne recently. In the article they list ten reasons to add cayenne to your diet such as: cayenne aids digestion, cayenne kills prostate cancer cells and shrinks tumors, cayenne shrinks hemorrhoids, cayenne increases blood flow, and more. Bring on the cayenne.

The result? The smoothie is delicious so I wanted to share it with you. Here you go!

Cayenne Spiced Green Smoothie
Recipe by Kristen Suzanne of
Yield 1 quart

1 cup filtered water
1-2 cups ice
2 medium-large bananas, peeled
2 large handfuls spinach
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
2 heaping tablespoons hemp protein powder
small knob fresh ginger
squeeze of fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
dash (about 1/8 teaspoon) black pepper

Blend everything together until smooth and enjoy this spicy delight as it brings buzzing energy to your gorgeous day!


  1. Sounds delicious! I read that article too and I do the same thing (plan on my food when I can't fall asleep..not nerdy at all! ;)

  2. I love ginger in my smoothie too, now I'll add cayenne pepper too - it sounds really delicious, thanks for sharing Kristen :-)

  3. I just recently posted a spiced smoothie also...they are so good! Your recipe looks great! Enjoy!

  4. OHHHHHHH nesting..... baby is coming soon! I vacuumed till 3 am and went into labor 2-days later!!!!!

  5. OHHHH nesting.... The baby is coming soon. I vacuumed until 3am and Katie Ann came 2-days later......

  6. no shame in planning out your food for the next day! i've been doing the same thing before bed.. gives me something to look forward to! if it's nerdy, i'm okay with that :)

  7. BaaaaaaaayBeeeeeeeee, where are you? C'mon. Join us, already. I am patiently (well, not's a virtue I don't often possess) awaiting your arrival.

    Hmmm, vacuuming at thinks the bambino is getting ready for an entrance here. Yup. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if labor starts within the next 36 hours.

  8. Oooh and does cayenne bring on baby? I remember reading somewhere that having a curry would put a woman in labour hehe.

    I love planning out my meals too it is super inspiring!!!!

  9. Can I just echo what Earth Mother said? Yep, cleaning at 3am means it's getting close! So excited!

  10. I am so going to try that! It sounds delicious... Can't wait for this baby to be born now...

  11. Soooo excited for you!!!

    I like to plan out my meals too! Keeps me on track ; )

    Pure2raw twins

  12. Well, it appears that I'm in great company with my meal planning :)

  13. Soo good to hear that!!!

    I'm the same(Ditto:Pleasurable thoughs like this really do help:),you're a gal after my own heart, Kristen!


  14. Hi Kristen!
    I have been reading all of your blogs..truly enjoyed!
    I have a question and where did you get the white plastice lid with hole for straw? Could you send me some information so I can order them.
    Thanks! Maureen

  15. Kristen,

    The article on cayenne was an interesting one. My husband's family eats cayenne and hot peppers on every thing (even oatmeal). They have raved on the benefits of these spices for years,listing some of the ones in the article.

    The ginger and cayenne sound great in the smoothie. Looking forward to giving it a try.

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who meditates on great things to cook on sleepless nights. :)

    Blend Well!!! Live Well!!!
