Monday, May 17, 2010

High Raw Food Intake - Weekend Eats - Pregnancy Food Journal

I had a weekend full of delicious and simple foods. What did you have?

Sun Warrior Protein Shake (just water and protein powder)
2 cups organic Creamy Blueberry Hemp Shake
1/3 of an organic pineapple
1/2 organic dark chocolate bar - not raw
organic gluten-free toast with hummus (Julian's Bakery) - not raw
1/3 of an organic pineapple
large organic salad (romaine, mushrooms, avocado, bell pepper, cucumber, raw dressing)
organic Kaia Teriyaki Seeds
1/2 organic apple
organic Kaia Teriyaki Seeds
1/2 serving veggie sweet n sour dish from Pei Wei (not a super proud moment - lol - but it sounded so good)

SATURDAY (all organic)
2 cups raspberry leaf tea
pineapple (mostly the core leftover from the pineapple I ate Friday)
Sun Warrior Protein Shake
large fruit salad (grapefruit, apple, avocado, drizzle raw agave)
dark chocolate bar (oops - ate the whole thing)
3 cups green juice (cuc, kale, cel, garlic, ginger)
organic Kaia Teriyaki Seeds
large salad (romaine, xtra tempeh, red bell pepper, cucumber, raw dressing)
corn chips (not raw) with Rejuvenative Foods' Cultured Live Salsa

SUNDAY (all organic)
3 cups raspberry leaf tea
large fruit salad (grapefruit, orange, avocado, apple, ginger, drizzle raw agave)
1/2 dark chocolate bar (not raw)
corn chips (not raw) with Rejuvenative Foods' Cultured Live Salsa and guacamole
2 grapefruits with drizzle raw agave
2 tablespoons raw cashew butter, sprinkle cinnamon, sliced apple
2 heaping tablespoons raw cashew butter, sprinkle cinnamon, sliced apple (it was so good, I had it again)
Sun Warrior Protein Shake (vanilla flavor with water and I added cinnamon)
large salad (romaine, kale, red bell pepper, cucumber, raw dressing)


  1. Yummo!! I get so many good ideas from these posts! :) Keep um up!

    I loooove Kaia Teriyaki Sunflower seeds, that's my favorite flavor that they make. Mmmm!

    Your baby is going to come out glowing from the wonderful nutritious meals you have! You are my preggy role model!

  2. I love seeing what you ate for the weekend. I had never heard of that salsa before. I'll have to check it out.

    I'll share just a few highlights of what I ate this weekend:

    Raw Gelato by Organic Nectars - incredible!

    An apple pie from Ani Phyo's book: Ani's Raw - delicious

    And then a whole bunch of salads, smoothies and my favorite a nori roll with lettuce, carrots, avocado, olives, kale and a spinach spread that came from Philip McClusky's book, Raw Food, Fast Food.

    Just the hightlights. :)

  3. Yum, yum! I love those Kaia Teriyaki Seeds! I've seen that salsa at WF and keep wanting to try it.

    The babe is going to be bursting with energy when he/she comes out because of all of this great food. I'm so glad you're doing well Kristen!


  4. It is inspiring that you always write down on here what you eat. I need to be better and do the same thing on my blog! Btw have you heard of "Love Street Living Foods"? I have been indulging in their raw chocolate bars. So fabulous! Love the raw fudge the best. One day I will have get off my toosh and make my own raw chocolates though!

  5. Hi! I'm new to your blog and wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying it. I too am pregnant, due July 4, and started eating a diet high in raw foods after I was gaining weight too quickly. I'm happy to say 3 weeks in I haven't gained an ounce and the baby is measuring just fine! I'm getting some good ideas on what to eat--thanks again!

  6. Good eats! Especially that live salsa and chips. Yum!

  7. raw cashew butter, sprinkle cinnamon, sliced apple does sound really good. mmm...

  8. YUM! Everything sounds delicious, sure beats our eats ; ) We sometimes enjoy just eating coconut butter, but your meal of cashew butter and cinnamon and apples sounds yummy!
    Pure2raw twins

  9. Sun Warrior Protein is my fave! I'm going to try it with pineapple....

  10. I take you love the live salsa? I've been curious about it and keep seeing it at my WF but the price usually deters me from trying because what if I don't like it?! Everything looks and sounds yummers!

  11. If you like cultured foods you should like it. But, it's not exactly like traditional salsa in my opinion. Yummy tho.
