Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Friday - iPad Day and High Raw All Vegan Pregnancy Food Journal

Happy Friday to you all! I'm extra excited today because of a few things:

1) I'm going to mom's and Miso will get to play with her small dog, Bella (they LOVE each other), which means I GET A BREAK FROM ENTERTAINING MISO! :)

2) My iPad arrives! My husband bought it for me as a birthday gift. My birthday isn't until June, but that's how we roll. ;)

3) The weather is gorgeous!

4) My pregnant belly is feeling wonderful!

5) I harvested a fresh batch of organic raw sauerkraut (cabbage, carrots, and ginger). For a video and directions on how I make my sauerkraut, visit here.

Here's my food plan today:
~ 3 cups fresh organic green juice (cucumbers, romaine) served on ice
~ organic banana (large)
~ organic apple (large)

~ 1/4 cup raw organic sauerkraut
~ 3 cups fresh organic green juice (same as above)

~ steamed organic broccoli with organic tofu

~ Hemp protein shake with frozen raspberries (10 oz bag), 1/4 cup hemp protein powder, 1 heaping T hemp seeds, dash almond extract, drizzle maple syrup, and water (all organic)

~ Large spinach salad topped with avocado, red bell pepper, coconut vinegar, Himalayan crystal salt, and black pepper
~ I suspect I'll want some dessert, so I might invade my organic nut butter chocolate truffles

~ If I'm still hungry later, I'll probably have a Sun Warrior protein shake made with water


  1. What a beautiful belly!

  2. Yummy healthy food for the lovely belly! I'm pretty sure it's a girl, at least the shape is making me think that! :)

  3. I can't wait to find out on the big day!!! Are you going to find out?

  4. ..and I was just thinking it must be a boy! LoL!!!!......your belly looks beautiful! what a spendid day! :)

  5. yay for ipad. I look forward in seeing how you like it ;) Love the happy baby belly!!

    Pure2Raw twins

  6. Yay for the iPad! And everything else you are doing...I got one too! And my birthday is not until August...mine should be arriving in a couple days, I just got the notification that it shipped. Huzzah! btw, what day is your birthday?

  7. Oh yes! LOL, I can't take surprises! HA HA, that's why I know so many of the "wives tales" I want to know now!! HAHA! Hopefully we will find out soon!

  8. an ipad! how exciting! glad to see your pregnancy is going well, you're so darn inspiring! i just made my first batch of juice with my new hurom, absolutely in LOVE!! all organic cukes, celery, carrots, and a granny smith apple, yum! keep up the fantasticness kristen, you are my hero!!

  9. Just curious why your diet is so low fat? Baby needs lots of fat for proper brian development. Fruit and veg is wonderful but I think fat is the number one thing for preggo mamas (obviously excluding trans fat and fats high in omega 6...)

    You do have a beautiful belly!

  10. This is one day. My diet is not low fat.

  11. Oh and I might add that my weight gain is perfect and my midwife approves of my diet. :)

  12. I've had my mom say I look like I'm carrying a boy because I still have a waist. I have others say it's a girl because it's low. I CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT!!!! It's so exciting having it as a surprise. :) My birth plan states that I don't want anyone saying the sex out loud when the baby is born, I want to see for myself. :)

  13. Hey there fellow mama-to-be! Do you find that you're not gaining as much weight as a "normal" eating pregnant woman? Can I ask what you think you'll have gained by the end of your term? I'm trying to judge how my months will end up. I am currently 14 weeks and have gained 1 pound. I have increased my food intake and it's all quality. Just curious what you've experienced. :) I'm so excited - you're soo close!! :)

  14. It's been about two weeks since my last appointment, but I've definitely gained weight - no problem there, but I eat a LOT! Something like 25-30 pounds so far (I think). I started at about 123-125-ish pounds when getting pregnant.

    I have another weigh in on Thursday when I see my midwife so I can tell you then. Everyone is different though so it's hard to gauge. For a while I was also walking 2 miles a day, 5 days a week. I have no idea what I'll have gained by the end of my pregnancy. That's not something i can predict.


  15. I hope that didn't sound like an attack :) I love and support raw food and vegan food (and eat it 90% of the time) - and I'm just curious about how my pregnancy is measuring up. :) I think you're doing an amazing job of providing a super healthy home for that baby growing inside. You just look so fabulous too - Hope I can feel as good as you do in my 3rd trimester!! :) woo hoo!

    Have an awesome night!! :)

  16. Kristen:
    Wow,,enjoy ur ipad..It was so funny to read u dont have to entertain miso..LOL
    I think it's a boy,usually with a girl u look bigger,but u can never say I had this friend who looked huge and ended up having a boy.They also say back home if u look prettier or glow than ur usual self its a girl and otherwise..I am sur it will be the healthiest baby in toiwn..:_)
    i have never tried sauerkraut..wonder how it tastes and do u recommend any brand or should i try ur recipe?Love ur books by the way,still figuring out what to make first..

  17. Hi Emelia - attack? heck no!

    Hi Sharanya,
    You can try Gold Mine Natural Foods for sauerkraut (order online or some Whole Foods sell it) - other than homemade, that's my favorite store brand. Rejuvenative Foods is good, too, but I like Gold Mine better.

    How does it taste? Well, it doesn't always smell the best, but the taste is tangy, salty sometimes, and has some bite to it. Not everyone likes it, but usually the people who do like it.. love it. :)

  18. Your belly looks so cute! I know what you mean about the dogs. Mine is pretty high maintenance (not that I had anything to do with that side of her-haha) and does a lot better when she gets boatloads of interaction. Hope you have a great weeken!

  19. Lovely, bella mama belly, Kristen!
    Your Birthday's in June too(When in June, I share mine with Meryl Streep on the 22nd:)?!


  20. what a beautiful belly, kristen! i dunno, i think it looks like a girl ... will you be doing a belly cast (you can DIY with plaster gauze and then cast it in clay if you want ... it's a cool project) ... anyway, glad to see you're doing so well!

  21. Belly cast idea seems very cool, but I have no where to put it - lol. So, I think I'll end up passing on it. :)

  22. I love how you are going to find out! So beautiful!! My guess is girl because you seem to have a little point rather then perfectly round..but who knows! :) Health is first and foremost (that's what I keep telling people who insist I am having a certain I am to you! LOL!).

    P.S. I have a feeling my Summer is going to be heavy on the watermelon, I am already loving it and it's not even that good (or in season) yet! He he!

  23. this list sounds wonderful! i'm chomping my way through a raw-food week and am finding your posts very inspiring. thank you!
