Sunday, January 2, 2011

Updated Juicer Review - My Newest Juicer - Perfect For A Busy Mama

I have a new juicer in my family. I know, I know... another one? I still love my Hurom, Breville, and Green Star that I blogged (with video) here. But. Here's the thing. I'm at a stage in my life where I need speed and quantity.

As a quick recap, based on the video I linked to above, I love the following things about my three juicers... (but watch the video for more details)

1) Green Star - the cadillac of juicers. Superior quality juice. Durable. Awesome. I can make juice and store it without it degrading in quality. But, it takes a while to juice and clean. As a busy new mama, I just don't have time for that right now.

2) Breville - small model (I'm calling it "small" that's not really it's name). Not as high quality of juice as Green Star, but it's lighting fast (also has a container to collect the juice that has a great lid for holding back foam when pouring into my glass). It collects the pulp in the bin as opposed to shooting it out into an external cup, and therefore makes less juice overall. Great for people making small batches of fast juice. Not super for juicing leafy greens, but I can usually do a decent job by the way I stuff them down the shoot.

3) Hurom - This juicer is like a hybrid of Green Star and Breville mentioned above. I really love my Hurom - it's high quality juice, easy to clean, and quite fast for that type of juicer (not as fast as the Breville, but you sacrifice quality of juice for speed when using the Breville). I've had my Hurom for awhile now and it's really awesome, although not without its own flaws. I had one of my screens crack but no biggie, the company quickly replaced it for free. And, there have been a couple of occasions where my cucumber or romaine got backed up in it and didn't juice properly (doesn't happen every time, but has happened a couple of times and it's not fun). Plus, lots of foam with this juicer, but that's not really a problem because I strain it quickly with a nut milk bag for extra smoothness.

So... why ANOTHER juicer? Well, as much as I love my Hurom (and other juicers), I'm finding that being a new mama is a very busy time for me. As a result, I'm turing to my small Breville more often than the Hurom right now. The problem with my small Breville is that I can't juice a lot in one juice session because it's the smaller model (perfect for single people, not so perfect for a High-Raw family who drinks a lot of juice). Therefore, I decided to buy this beauty from Breville and so far I am LOVING IT!

Here's the low down on the variable speed Breville... 1) It's MEGA fast. As a new mama making juice for my family daily, I need speed right now or I'm just not going to end up juicing as much. 2) It's super EASY to clean. 3) It juices large quantities because it shoots the pulp out into an exterior container and has a large carafe for the juice (with a top that holds back foam so I don't need to strain it). This way, I can make large servings for both Greg and myself. 4) And, here is another cool feature. It has a knob for changing the speed of the juicer so I can turn it down for leafy greens and turn it up for harder fruits and veggies. It's helpful because it juices greens better than the small Breville model as a result. I don't know if it's helping to reduce oxidation as well, but it might. Still, when I use any fast centrifuge model of juicer, which typically gives juice that isn't as high quality like the slow juicers, I drink the juice within 15-20 minutes of making it to get optimal nutrition before too much oxidation takes place.

Overall - I love all of my juicers for different reasons and I will use them all but at different stages of my life - so they're definitely not going to waste. They all have pros and cons, but you have to decide what's important to you at the time, and then go from there when selecting a model. The goal is to juice! So, which juicer is going to help you accomplish that goal the best? Now that I'm not using the small Breville, I'll save it for traveling perhaps. I've heard of some people using it for that. Of course, it's not super small, so I'll have to sacrifice taking some other things, like shoes - lol - but hey, juice is a priority for my family. We do what we gotta do!

I had a comment on my last blog post where I shared the details about the Raw food I had for the day and she wrote, "You look like such vibrant, happy mother! And you totally smash that argument of 'I'm too busy to eat healthy!' I have a little sister, so I can say for a fact that nothing's busier than mom duty!"

Mimi, your comment was awesome and really struck me. And, you're right. I am busy as a new mom, but I make it work so that my family is eating as healthy as possible. One of the ways I accomplish this is using a juicer that juices fast and is easy to clean.

Oh, and here is my ALL RAW - ALL VEGAN - ALL ORGANIC food intake for today:
1 quart green juice
1 quart green smoothie (spinach, mango, homemade curry powder)
Pate (from New Year's Eve Day) on top of romaine lettuce
Hummus with raw crackers and carrots
1-2 Protein Shakes
1-2 Grapefruits
Banana Nut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream
And, if needed, I'll have a salad...
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