Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boxed Greens, Mom's Blog

I was not thrilled with Whole Foods' produce selection the last time we went. Too often, it's hit or miss with them. Limpy greens or poor selection one day and bountiful and wonderful the next. I bought a bunch of organic apples just to get them home and they were mealy. Yuck. So, this week, I ordered a bunch of fresh organic produce from Boxed Greens. They have an amazing selection (organic meyer lemons!). Stuff I can't get at Whole Foods. It arrives Friday. It's going to be a mega RAW weekend!!!

Today is a great day, too. We have Kamea's 4 month check up in a few hours - I can't wait to see how much she's grown in the past month. Plus, Grey's Anatomy and The Apprentice are on tonight - lol!

My mom started blogging. If any of you remember her when she helped me teach my classes.... well, I was responsible for educating and she entertained - haha. She is one funny woman and she finally has a new outlet for her stories.... blogging! If you haven't checked it out yet it's I'll warn you now though... she is not always PG rated. ;)
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