Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quiet Summer

It's been a pretty quiet week for Greg, Kamea, and myself. Heck, to tell you the truth, it's been a quiet summer for the most part. Not sure if quiet is the right word now that I think about it. I would say focused is more like it. Focused on Kamea. My life consists of everything Kamea. :) Sleeping when she sleeps (trying to), breastfeeding her, changing her diaper (navigating the whole cloth vs disposable, etc), reading to her, playing with her, trying babywearing, and basically just doing all things baby. Plus, making food for Greg and myself, and trying to work on some Kristen's Raw projects. Lately though, Kamea isn't letting me do that (she likes to be held all the time). Hence the lack of posting! We're hopefully going to my mom's soon to stay a few nights (our first over nighter with Kamea!). That will be so fun, although I'm not excited about packing for it.

I started reading a book, Shantaram, on my Kindle... has anyone read it? I'm enjoying it so far.

Oh! And, check out this adorable organic onesie that was sent to me as a gift from Organic Stitch. I love it!
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