Saturday, July 3, 2010

Smoothies Are Easy Nutrient Dense Foods For This New Mom

One of the things that I haven't been able to pay much attention to is making meals right now. And, as a breastfeeding mama, I need those extra calories. So, I'm keeping things on hand for easy eating and snacking like protein bars, avocados, nut butters, fresh veggies that are cut and ready to dip into hummus, and I'm a superfood smoothie making mama! My smoothies these past couple of days have been loaded with things like: fresh (or frozen) berries, frozen banana, nut milk, probiotics, brown rice powder, hemp powder, hemp seeds, flax meal, chia meal, goji berries, greens, prunes, etc. They vary each time but they're definitely filled with calories and nutrients! My goal is keeping my protein around 55-65 grams so the protein powders are helping in that department. Sooo.... Yay for smoothies! Here is a recent post I wrote 3 Problems Smoothies Solve!

What are some of your favorite EASY snacks?


  1. Me too, I started making smoothies when my daughter was born ;-) Besides eating many calories, I realized that I had to drink incredible amounts of water. Once I did that, my milk supply was high enough to feed my baby exclusively on it till 10 months old. I believe in introducing solids when they get teeth to chew them... ;-) Have fun!

  2. 10months exclusively bf? Awesome!!!

  3. Green Smoothies are a must for a quick snack in our household (my hubby still thinks I'm weird, but my 2 year old daughter and I LOVE them) and the other snack I like to throw together that I can just grab from the fridge when we're on the go are our homemade fruit and nut (lara type) bars.

    Other than that I like to keep a lot of dried, fresh and frozen fruit on hand as well as nuts and fresh veggies. Granola is another thing I keep on hand and I also seem to have some almonds soaking so I can throw together raw almond milk any time I need it.

    I think those are all of the main things I keep on hand regularly as a breastfeeding mama and a mama to a toddler I've got to keep that good snack food around all the time.

    I also like making kale chips, sweet potato and beet chips in the dehydrator as well.

    Oh man, my list could keep going on and on if I keep thinking about it!

    I also agree with the previous poster about introducing solids when they have teeth. I exclusively breastfed my daughter for 8 months.

  4. You're awesome for blogging when you've just had your adorable little girl. Thank you! My quick eats include nut butters, 100% rice crackers, hummus, avos, nut butter spread onto bananas (yum), and lots of fresh, delicious fruit. Hope you're all doing well. xxx

  5. Thx Rachel!

    Hhmmm, Sarah, fresh fruit sounds good right now.

  6. It's actually easy to get 50+ grams of protein per day on fruit and leaves alone. You don't need to buy commerical "superfoods" and you don't need to use refined protein products. Those are just just food. Eat whole foods in nature's packaging. I am a breastfeeding mom and athlete and I eat 3500 calories per day of just fruit. And just like you say, fruit smoothies are indeed super nutritious foods!

  7. Just remembered another great thing that saved my life back then. I got the book Instant Raw Sensations from Frederic Patenaude It's easy, quick and awesome so that you don't get bored. Even my husband and friends could follow those recipes and prepare my food...;-)

  8. I third the "when they get teeth" thing ... I exclusively bf my daughter for the first 9 or 10 months, then continued bfing until she was about 3 1/2. It was the best thing I ever did.

    Glad to hear you're taking care of yourself well! Smoothies area great for that :)

  9. I'm so glad to hear about solely breastfeeding until baby gets teeth. Thx for sharing! :)

  10. Great way to nourish your body and your baby. Way to go, mama. =)

  11. Smoothies are an awesome choice for you and baby. Our quick go to snack is a banana and almond butter.
    Blessings, Debra
    Vegan Diet Video
    My Blog

  12. Yea!!
    Years ago our La Leche League motto was "a variety of food in as close to its' natural state as possible!"
    I nursed each of my babes (now 36 & 39) ~ 3 years; exclusively ~ 6 months.
    Our guideline was when babies could bring food into their mouth with their tongue rather than pushing it out, the enzymes are ready for 'solids!' Which rarely happens before 6 months - so 'watch YOUR baby!' (my son was eying food & grabbing earlier than my daughter)
    & we also did lots of green smoothies - love the hummus & veggies - I sometimes make mine with black beans, as they have the same phytonutrients as blueberries! Pesto is another favorite!
    I LOVE reading these + Breastfeeding stories - it IS one of the best things we can do for ourselves & our kids!

  13. Oh - & I now make my smoothies with coconut milk kefir - not technically raw, as it's tinned - BUT it has the same great medium chain fatty acids as mama's milk, & will increase the content of those fats in your milk! A real plus for both you & your little :)

  14. Hi Kristen! Congrats on beautiful Kamea!! I have a random question regarding green smoothies. Ive always heard not to drink water while eating fruits and veggies because it dilutes the digestive enzymes once they reach your tummy. Most green smoothie recipes call for fruits/veggies plus water. What are your thoughts on adding water to the smoothie? Does it dilute those fabulous enzymes? Ive searched high and low for an answer and can't find anything. Thanks!

  15. Just stumbled upon your blog and am LOVING IT! Hey, time to update your 'about me' to include the new bambino. Congrats!

  16. Great blog. Good raw vegan info for us parents trying to get our kids to also be healthy. Have you tried Gudernoobs made by WooHoo Foods? Good for the lunchbox (especially frozen) and I'm going to give them out to the neighborhood kids for Halloween too.

  17. I too depend on my smoothies for extra protein by adding protein powder. I am not all raw yet, I still like to put lots of plain yogurt in the mix.
