Saturday, June 26, 2010

3 Problems Smoothies Solve! --> Plus: Jeweled Caribbean-ish Smoothie (Raw, Vegan Recipe)

Hhmmm YUMMMY! I made another neat, unique, and awesome smoothie. It's filled with mostly Caribbean flavors (how fun is that!). It was easy. It was delicious. And, I'm on fire with energy because of the nutrition it's fueling into my cells. Uumm... I loved the color of it, too. It was pretty with lovely speckles of the colors red, green, and brown (I'm such a girl!). BUT! Before I dive into sharing this scrumptious recipe with you... let me share a few words on why smoothies and shakes friggin' rock the house of diet and healthy eating goodness!

As you can see from the many smoothie and shake recipes I share on my blog, I'm obviously a raving fan of them. That's mainly because...

Smoothies and shakes solve a few big problems that people encounter 
when dieting or trying to eat healthier: 

Lack of time
Lack of nutrition
Lack of diversity / excitement
No more excuses though! Smoothies to the rescue!

Lack of time in your life? No problem!
A fabulous, high energy, and mega nutritious and delicious smoothie (or shake) can be whipped up in less than 5 minutes. (That can include clean up time!) And, you can make enough to enjoy it as a whole meal or make extra to save for a later meal or snack. Smoothies offer a 5-minute meal. Awesome!

Lack of nutrition in your life? No problem!
Fresh smoothies and shakes can be filled with the healthiest nutrition on the planet (all plant-powered, of course!)... from nutrient dense organic ingredients to alkalizing greens to high energy fruits to superhero superfoods to body building proteins. Plus - smoothies are blended which means your giving your body something that is easy to digest. That's a great thing! Smoothies offer phenomenal nutrition and energy. Whoo hoo!

Bored with dieting or healthy eating? Lacking diversity? No problem!
The variations you can make with smoothies and shakes are literally endless. The flavor combos based on your cravings while you're shopping, or simply what you have on hand in your kitchen, can vary with every single smoothie - making it an entirely different flavor explosion in your mouth with each creation. That's exciting! Take the recipe I'm going to share with you below, for example. I thought up the flavors while falling asleep based on what I had in my cupboard and refrigerator. I knew I wanted to use my pineapple and bananas before they went bad... I had a bottle of raw coconut water thawing... I wanted alkalizing greens in it and I had romaine lettuce on hand... I've been on a ginger kick lately... goji berries are reputed for supporting healthy eyes... I love the pure raw vanilla powder I've been playing with (I bought it Whole Foods Market)... etc... and voila - I enjoyed an awesome smoothie full of unique and fun flavors! Smoothies offer massive variety so it's impossible to get bored. Booyah!

Jeweled Caribbean-ish Smoothie
Recipe by Kristen Suzanne of
Yield 1 quart

1 cup young Thai coconut water
2 bananas, peeled
2 cups pineapple, diced (I include the core)
2 handfuls romaine lettuce
2 heaping tablespoons hemp protein powder
2 tablespoons goji berries
knob of ginger
1/4 teaspoon pure raw vanilla powder
1/4 teaspoon allspice

Blend all of the ingredients and enjoy!


  1. Ummmmm, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and make an assumption that this was a scheduled post. Last update: early labor.

    Has the lil' Monkey arrived yet???

    Toasting you with a luscious green smoothie!


  2. Hi Kristen. I love your raw food recipes. Keep up the great work!

    James Reno

  3. Smoothies? I want baby!! :D


  4. Lol! Totally scheduled! Baby girl is here!!!!

  5. Hurray!

    I didn't realize you could schedule posts - handy!

  6. Congrats Kristen and Hubby!


  7. If only jamba or some other smoothie company knew how much better they could be making their smoothies! Oh well though! I guess we'll just stay at home and make our own!

  8. I agree, smoothies are fantastic! I have a 10 banana smoothie for both breakfast and lunch almost every single day. Sometimes I eat them whole, but usually I'm just too darn lazy! :)

  9. Hi Kristen,

    You're site is so amazing and informative! Over the past couple of weeks it's quickly become our road map for transitioning from a vegetarian diet to a vegan/raw diet. I recently got a Blend Tech from my mother in law so now delicious Smoothies are becoming a staple of our days. Unfortunately I recently learned that I'm highly allergic to bananas, a common ingredient in so many smoothie recipes. I'm curious to know if there are substitutes for banana that provide the same creamy texture. Thanks again for all you do. We just purchased your transition book and can't wait to graduate to your other offerings.

  10. Hi pdxbrent!
    Mango is the perfect substitute for sweetness, nutrients, and total creaminess. :)

  11. Well I know it's not seasonal, but I needed a taste of the tropics as I look out the window onto two feet of snow in NYC... and this smoothie is just the trick! YUM!!
    Thanks, Kristen! ;)

  12. Allspice in a smoothie??? YUMM! I will have to try that! Thanks for the recipe sounds delish.
